We've Emailed Your Lantern Assessment Results

Thanks for taking the Lantern Leadership Assessment! Check your email for your results. 

Then, click below to read more about the questions, learn how to interpret your results, and download our free guide to conscious leadership. 

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Welcome, Friend!

Thank you for taking Plenty's Lantern Leadership Assessment. 

A conscious leader is aware, aligned, and intentional. The Lantern Leadership Assessment is designed to help you become a more conscious leader by helping you become more aware of how you show up, more aligned in how you act, and more intentional in your choices. 

Please check your email address for your results. Your results email outlines your scores and offers some perspectives on using them. 

And to learn more about conscious leadership and how to be more aware, aligned, and intentional, check out the What's Next section below, then click here to download chapter 1 of our new book, Leading With Light, for free.

An Overview

Over 13,000 leaders have taken the Lantern Leadership Assessment. Our average score is 80 out of 100. 

The graph below shows the distribution of scores from our entire database. In general:

  • About one-third of people score 85 or higher
  • About one-third of people score between 76 to 84
  • About one-third of people score 75 or lower

You can compare the overall score in your results email to this graph to see where your score puts you in relation to everyone else who has taken the assessment.

Going Deeper

The twenty questions on the assessment are based on the seven points of Plenty's Lantern Leadership Model. The model forms the foundation for our Lantern Leadership Retreat

Your results email outlines your score in each of the seven areas. Here's more detail about each of the seven points. 


The Details

Area What It Means
Overall Your overall score is based on a total possible score of 100. The average score we receive is 80. Your total score indicates how aware, aligned, and intentional you perceive yourself to be as a leader.
Passion Everything starts and ends with passion – what you care about and why. Leaders with a high amount of passion are clear on what they value and share that clarity with others.
Purpose Purpose outlines our core reason for being. Leaders with high purpose are clear on what motivates them and have a defining mission for their lives. 
Possibility Possibility describes your vision for change. If you have high possibility in your life, you are clear on what success looks like and seek to engage people in that vision. Obstacles don't easily deter you. 
Presence Presence describes how we want people to feel and think when interacting with us. Leaders with high presence are intentional about how they spend time and how they impact others. 
People Conscious leaders bring out the best in others. For example, a high People score indicates you are intentional about whom you spend time with and are open to feedback on improving.
Positioning Positioning describes how you articulate your uniqueness. Leaders with a high Positioning score are confident in their strengths and choose authentic roles. 
Practice Practice is the playground of the conscious leader. A high Practice score shows a willingness to embrace opportunities to learn, grow, and improve. 


It's About Being More Of You

As you look at your scores, share them with others, and compare them to our averages, it's important to remember that the goal of the Lantern Leadership Assessment isn't necessarily to get the highest score. You can't "win" at leadership, just like you can't "win" at life.

You can become more aware of what works for you and what doesn't. A score of 95 may mean you're at the top of your game – or it may mean that you have blind spots to your growth opportunities. A score of 65 may mean you're feeling lost – or it may mean you have cultivated a healthy attitude towards criticism. 

The idea of the assessment is to help you have an honest discussion with yourself. What do you want? What's next for you?

In the following section we offer some resources to help. 

Now, Download the Free eBook!

Conscious Leadership Book Cover - 2023-sm

Now that you've taken the assessment, our free Introduction to Conscious Leadership will help you use your results to become a more calm, more centered, and more effective leader. 

What's Next For You