Abundance For People Like You | Plenty

You Are Enough

Written by Jennifer Mulholland | April 13, 2020

You are enough. Just as you are. Now.

You have everything you need to take the next step. To make the next choice in front of you.

You have been perfectly prepared for this moment. Every past learning has led you here.

You can trust your heart, your instincts, and your intuition. The quiet whispers deep within are nudging you to your truth.

You can let go of needing to figure it all out. You won’t. You can’t. You don’t need to.

You can slow down. Life will continue to move and it won’t leave you behind. That thing you wanted to create, if it's meant to come into form, will still happen, in divine time.

You don’t have to get it "all" done. Take on what expands you. Be present with whatever you choose to put your attention to and it will reap deep rewards.

Follow your joy. Notice what puts a smile on your face. Notice where you lean in. Those simple clues are powerful and are escorting you towards your purpose.

Explore your curiosity. It is guiding you and calling your best self forwards to learn and grow.

Trust in evolution — of all kinds. Growth is Nature’s default state and as such, it is yours too.

Everywhere you turn and look, there is evidence that you are cared for. You are protected. You are guided. You have so much to be grateful for. Place your attention there.

With each breath you are given a fresh start. To choose an empowering thought or disempowering one. Choose consciously.

You are connected to a higher intelligence, whatever you name that to be. This force runs through every living thing and is directing the symphony of life. It is always on. It is working on your behalf and for the highest good of everyone around you.

Be gentle with yourself, as if you were your own lover, daughter, son, husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, or best friend. Share tender kindness with yourself.

Be vulnerable. Its ok to do so and be so. You won’t break, shatter, or fall apart. You may be surprised how you and others need that from you. And honestly, that is where your true power lies.

Be here. Knowing you are enough. Right now.

You are strong, powerful, smart, wise, beautiful and so very important to the world.

You've got this.

You are enough. Just as you are. Right now.