Meditations for Conscious Leaders

A Healing and Hopeful Meditation

Written by Jennifer Mulholland & Jeff Shuck | November 10, 2021

Words by Jennifer Mulholland and music by Jeff Shuck.

Find a quiet space to settle. Get comfortable and gently close your eyes. Invite a memory of when you felt unconditionally loved into your heart space. Allow this memory and feeling to sink in to your body and bones. Direct that feeling to flow gently to any places of tension or tightness in your body. Receive the feeling of unconditional love as it calms and opens you. 

Send this feeling of unconditional love outside of you now - to your loved ones, your community, your nation, your place of belonging, and your global home. 

Allow your heart to transmit this feeling of healing and hope as you enjoy this guided meditationexpert from our March 27th virtual Plenty of Coronacare call.