Jeff Shuck
I believe in you.
Founder and Principal

Your Part Matters
It could be that you have nothing to offer — no skills, no talent, no prospects, and all of the doubts you harbor about yourself are pretty much true.
Or it could be that the world has deep needs that you are uniquely qualified to address. It could be that you were put on this earth to be the exact right key for a specific lock of transformation which will remain tightly shut without your part. It could be that you are the precise bit of effort needed to push the needle of change on the human condition a bit more towards justice, equality, and happiness.
Which is it?
Latest Posts
The best way to catch up with me is through the Plenty blog. I post regularly about conscious strategy, fundraising, leadership, culture, and wellbeing, and connecting the links between them to create a world of plenty for everyone. Here are a few of my latest and favorite posts. Subscribe here.

The Courage to Be Optimistic
When we lead with love, we're called – and sometimes challenged – to remain optimi…

Lead Through Uncertainty: Your Nonprofit Can Adapt Amid Funding Cuts
Two weeks ago, I got a text from a longtime colleague and friend. My face lit up w…

What's Wrong at the Top of Your Donor Funnel?
I've hesitated to write this post, even though it's a topic I've discussed countle…

Conscious Strategic Planning: Starting the New Year with Intention
The new year is always a time of inspiration and rejuvenation here at Plenty. A bl…

How To Cope With Holiday Stress
Are the holidays relaxing for you? Or stressful? "The holidays are such a grind." …

The Science Behind the Winter Solstice
Over the past several weeks, we've explored the upcoming winter solstice and its s…
Short Version
Work Experience
- Founder and co-owner of Plenty
- Co-founder and former CEO of Event 360
- Vice President of Productions, Pallotta Teamworks
- Manager of Operations, Sigma Chi Headquarters
- Owner and Artist, One Room Schoolhouse Music
- B.S. Political Science, University of Rochester, Phi Beta Kappa
- M.B.A. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern
- M.S. Predictive Analytics, Northwestern University
- Books
- Blog Posts
- Posting often about strategy, leadership, fundraising, and positive change on The Plenty Blog
- Occasionally posting about music and life at
- Podcasts
- Plenty For Everyone
- As a guest on a variety of podcasts, most recently on We Are For Good
- Music
- As One Room Schoolhouse
- As Jeff Shuck
- As Plenty
The Important Stuff
- Father of four
- Midwest kid born in Ohio, living in South Bend, Indiana (it’s in the middle)
- Musician, synth geek, used gear magnet
- Lover of pop, retro, ambient
- Writer, blogger
- Reader, buyer of too many books
- Indianapolis Colts fan — keep the hope alive
- Gamer, BGIII admirer, Lego loyalist
- Wine collector, comic reader – natural combo
- Weightlifter
- Aspiring golfer – again, keep the hope alive!
Long Version
Hello! Welcome.
Do you really want the long version?! One thing you should know about me is, I love the long version – although you could probably tell that after talking a glance at the length of my Short Version!
So let's settle in then.
I haven't always known, at least consciously, that there has been a consistent throughline to my life. As I get older, my hips get creakier but my wisdom gets clearer, and I can see the fundamental ideas that have guided me.
"I believe in you" is what I have written at the top of this page. It seems silly, almost childish – and it is. But it is also a profound idea, the fundamental belief that each person matters. Overly earnest and yet sincere – just like me.
Your part matters. That's the gist of it. Again and again, I see evidence that the most important step to creating the world we imagine is to help each and every person believe in themselves. Helping people turn that key has been the fundamental mission, calling, and joy of my life.
I've searched for different ways to actualize that calling, which has taken me down a variety of different paths – working, waiting, wandering, and wondering about how, collectively, we can improve each other and the world. I'm grateful that my work at Plenty blends a variety of different disciplines, from business strategy to analysis to art to leadership.
In my early career, I worked in leadership development, creating and facilitating curriculum on values-centered leadership for college students. When friends offered me the opportunity to move to Utah to be a part of the first internet boom, I jumped at the chance and became one of the early members of Campus Pipeline. It was a jump into the deep end of the start-up culture and the place where I met my co-leader Jennifer Mulholland.
Fate intervened in the form of a cancer diagnosis that took my mother's life in 1999. I could hear the world calling me to step more directly into social impact. I left Campus Pipeline and became the VP of Productions for the fundraising firm Pallotta Teamworks, responsible for the planning and production of all the company's events.
The experience at Pallotta Teamworks, in turn, led me to co-found my own firm, Event 360. For 11 years, I served as CEO of the 200-person firm. We raised nearly a billion dollars for charity through creating and producing large-scale fundraising events.
During that time, I came to understand that revenue problems are really strategy problems, and strategy problems are really people problems. As such, revenue strategies can only go so far. Ultimately, that realization compelled me to step further into creating impact through strategy and leadership, and Plenty was born in November 2013.
I graduated from the University of Rochester and have an MBA from Kellogg School of Management. I also earned a second master's degree in Predictive Analytics from Northwestern. For many years it seemed that an analytics degree was destined to be relegated to the "seemed like a good idea at the time" bin, but the recent burst in AI opportunities and LLM development has me often reaching for that analytics experience nowadays. I'm grateful for that.
I live with my wife and four children in the woods of Niles, Michigan. It's a heavenly spot; come visit and see. I'm most fulfilled when I stimulate my heart and mind in a variety of ways, so I passionately pursue a variety of interests, from songwriting to weightlifting to good Napa red wine. Right now, thanks to my youngest son, I'm trying my hand at golf – frustrating but compelling!
I'd love to talk with you more about what you're looking for and how we can help. Feel free to schedule a meeting with me here.
That really was long! We made it. Thanks so much for reading. You matter.