

Unleash your potential. 

Executive coaching for conscious leaders. When you're ready for more, we're here for you.

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Grow Holistically

At a certain point, the old model of pursuing "personal growth" separately from "professional advancement" stops working. You live one life. Growth comes from taking care of your whole being – personally and professionally; mind, body, and soul - and showing up the same wherever you go.
Pandora is designed to integrate your personal life and your professional life to help you get clear on what you really want, awaken your passions and clarify your purpose, and help you become aware of your skills and wisdom as a conscious leader.

Find Clarity In Uncertainty

It's never been clearer than ever that we can't control the world around us. If your happiness and satisfaction is predicated on things being a certain way, you risk reaping anxiety, restlessness, and the feeling that something is missing.
There's a better, more resilient way. We'll help you navigate growth, opportunities, and change as you find a new center that is true for you. Pandora will help you hear the whispers that guide your path, trust more deeply in your knowing, and feel comfortable with uncertainty.

Get The Guidance You Need

Our coaching is tailored to what is present to you, in real time. We blend curriculum with deep listening to personalize our guidance to your current challenges as they change. We believe in you - in your wisdom, your skills, your experience, and dreams. Our goal is to help you actualize those areas and live an awakened, authentic, and fulfilling life. 
Topics can range from business decision-making, changing careers, and creating thriving relationships to acting on your insights, achieving a new level of calm and mindfulness, and deep listening.
This was much more than leadership development. Working with Jennifer and Jeff was an inspirational, moving, and joyful journey of self-discovery."
David McShea

David McShea, Executive Director, Alzheimer's Association Greater Maryland Chapter

The Power Of Possibility

Individual Sessions

If you prefer to receive personalized support in a private format specifically tailored to your needs and circumstances, this option is for you. You'll meet regularly on an ongoing basis with your two coaches, the co-leaders of Plenty.

Enrollment for individual coaching is open.
Sessions can begin whenever is best for you.


Group Masterminds

If you prefer learning and growing with other conscious leaders, you can choose to be a part of Lighthouse, our new group mastermind. You'll regularly meet with a group of eight to twelve people online for six months. We'll provide the facilitation, coaching, curriculum, and the classroom tools to help you walk your path. 



A Curriculum You'll Love

Plenty's Lights of Conscious Leadership outline a deeper way to practice leadership – and a more fulfilling way to live life.

Over the six months of Pandora, we'll explore the lights to help you illuminate your path, create the confidence you need to thrive, and build skills you'll use for the rest of your life. 


Seeing what is.


A leader is a light for others.


Your light is always on.


You only need to see what's right in front of you. 


There's a larger light guiding you. 


Leading and living one life.

Pandora - Our Coaching Curriculum (6 Months)
In the first month of coaching, we'll listen and learn about you - what’s on your mind and in your heart, what’s working and what’s not, what’s in alignment and out, where you lean in and where you lean out, and what challenges you're currently facing in work and life.
We'll kickoff with a virtual video session and ask you to take one our leadership assessment. We'll review your results together and help you set your intention for the months to come.
As we better understand your current situation and your desired future state of being - personally and professionally - we’ll introduce the Four Lights of Conscious Leadership as the background of our curriculum to help you practice and apply your learnings to life.
If you're participating in one of our Pandora Pods,  you'll get to know your podmates as well.
What You'll Learn
At the end of month one, you'll have:
  • Increased clarity about what is working for you and what isn't;
  • Learned about the power of your thoughts, and how to choose the ones that are empowering for you; and
  • Met people you can count on to help you grow.
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Each individual has values and passions that are unique. These passions are clues that can lead us to the life we dream of. Many of us have experienced the internal tension that comes from doing something we don't like to do, or from saying something we don't believe to be true. That's not leadership.

Leadership is about shining our light authentically for others to follow. Conscious leaders pursue their passions in order to inspire the best in others and make a difference in the world.

During the second month, we'll explore the power of passion and purpose. We'll help you get clear on what you truly value, and then encourage you to practice speaking and living your own truth rather than someone else's.

What You'll Learn
At the end of month two, you'll have:
  • Identified the values you truly care about;
  • Practiced seeing how those values translate into action; and
  • Increased your courage to share your values authentically.
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During the third month, we'll explore the idea that your light is always on. What we mean is, even in our darkest, most insecure and fearful moments, we still have everything we need to be leaders. Your light comes with you wherever you go.

In other words, whether you feel happy and empowered or worried and stressed, you have access to the same set of abilities and talents. 

Beyond a healthy humility, negative self-talk and harsh self-criticism don't serve us well. Leadership at its core starts with self-love. Are we ready to embrace the weakest parts of ourselves, knowing that they help the strongest parts of us grow?

What You'll Learn
At the end of month three, you'll:
  • Build a deeper relationship with and trust in your own light;
  • Learn not to buy into your negative thoughts as quickly as you have in the past;  
  • See how you always have access to wisdom and skill wherever you go; and
  • Be inspired to be the leader of your own life.
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During month four, we explore the false idea that we can control the world around us – with our words, plans, goals, or actions. It is a fiction that many of us hold onto for years, until an unforeseen crisis or random act of fate disrupts our carefully constructed worldview.

In truth, nearly everything in our lives exists outside of our control. Leaders don’t need to know all the answers, and seldom do. Rather, conscious leaders spend time learning to navigate the unknown, step by step, moment by moment, with presence and alignment to their beliefs, values, and purpose.

In moments of uncertainty we can trust that we are fully prepared to "show up to what shows up." We only have to know the next step. Life will illuminate the right next step we need to take and if we are paying attention to the cues, we will find more ease and grace as we walk the path. 

What You'll Learn
At the end of month four, you'll have:
  • Become more aware of the signs and signals around you and within you;
  • Developed an ability to "show up to what shows up"; and
  • Deepened your confidence and courage to take the next step.
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During month five, we'll explore how and why leaders know there’s a bigger plan. Some call it Fate; others God; others the Universe; others the Divine. Some may call it Science.

Whatever you name it, leaders realize there are larger forces at work. The sun rises without us having to set an alarm on our cell phone. The seasons change without needing a calendar appointment to do it. There is a grand set of forces working all around us. Those forces sometimes communicate to us via insight, intuition, and synchronicity.

Leaders polish their intellectual skills, but they are just as willing to follow their instincts, feelings, and heart as they walk in awareness.

What You'll Learn
At the end of month five, you'll have:
  • Learned to loosen your grip and trust in the unfolding of life; and
  • Deepened your relationship to your higher power, however you conceive it to be; and
  • Become more peaceful and trusting with your life and your place in the world. 
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In month six, we'll put it all together to take stock of what we've learned and explored. We'll contemplate how the Lights of Conscious Leadership interact and how they can guide us in the inevitable times of uncertainty we all face.

Finally, we'll work together to draft commitments to help guide you going forward. You'll leave with more confidence, more clarity, and lifelong friends.

What You'll Learn
At the end of month six, you'll have:
  • Increased your awareness of who you really are;
  • Developed clarity around your next steps that you can use moving forward as conscious leader; and
  • Developed deep professional and personal relationships you can draw on in the next phase of your journey.
If you want to take the Pandora journey again, you'll have the opportunity to do so. And we'd love to have you at Lantern, our leadership retreat at HeartSpace in Park City, Utah.

Personalized for your unique journey. 

We’ll help you make a difference in the world as you make a difference for yourself. Available in six and twelve-month packages for individuals and groups.

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Your Coaches 

Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck, the co-leaders of Plenty, have dedicated their lives to using human potential to make this world a better place. With extensive training, education, and experience in leadership, personal growth, performance, strategy, and wellbeing, Jennifer and Jeff will help you confidently make the changes your soul yearns for.
Jennifer and Jeff will create a safe space for you to honestly explore who you are and who you want to be. Learn more about them here.
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Your Tools

Your life purpose deserves more than a webinar. That's why we've created an experience that is interactive, engaging, and accessible to your changing schedule. Pandora combines live online sessions, small group pod discussions, weekly exercises, guided meditations, and reflections to help you grow.
We'll also use one of our assessments to understand where you are, where you want to be, and what kind of challenges you are currently facing. 
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Your Community

Connect with other conscious leaders who will listen deeply, share openly, and inspire you to be the person you're destined to be. 
Pandora comes with a secure, private, online community - making it easy for you to engage, learn, and share throughout the program. 
Every participant is a doer and a seeker, like you. If you've been looking for a like-minded community to support your growth, you've found it. We're so glad you're here. 
Jeff and Jennifer's approach to leadership is a breath of fresh air, literally: they lead by example, through their own vulnerability, authenticity, and inspiration. Their organic approach fosters an amazing environment of self discovery."
Mike Orrico

Michael J. Orrico, DDS Entrepreneur, Dad, Artist, Writer, Dreamer

Is Coaching Right For Me?

In the world of sports, every team and every player needs a coach. Coaches provide inspiration, guidance, knowledge of the game, skill development, and perspective to help players become their best. Off the field, the same applies in business and in life. The highest performers know their dreams are easier to reach when they have a coach. 
If you're reading this, coaching is right for you. 


Our Pandora participants come to us seeking support, guidance, and wisdom as they grow as conscious leaders. We work with leaders around the globe in a variety of situations. 
  • Making a career change
  • Taking an entrepreneurial leap
  • Building self-confidence
  • Enhancing relationship with self & others
  • Following your passions and living your purpose
  • Living with less anxiety and stress
  • Becoming more aware as a conscious leader
  • Integrating your professional and personal life
  • Developing and strengthening your intuition and spiritual connections
  • Wanting a community of like-minded people to learn and grow with

A Phone Call Is Always Free.

We’d love to schedule a free 30-minute call to answer any questions you may have. 

Let's Talk


Our clients are change-makers, dreamers, visionaries, and conscious leaders who want
a better life and a better world.