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The Problem With Being Busy

The Plenty Team
January 21, 2016

The-Problem-With-Being-BusyI hear you, idealists - you’ve got so much to do, and so little time.

There’s something to be said for being busy. For some folks, having a long to-do list and jam-packed schedule is stress-inducing and paralyzing. For others, like myself, it’s the setting that I am most organized, productive, and inspired. Regardless, as a society we seem to put those ultra-busy over-achiever friends of ours on some sort of pedestal, as if busyness is a major indicator of success.

Sure, with talent and expertise in high demand, the calendars of especially talented people do fill up. However, I’d argue that sometimes, the quest for success can manifest as busyness for busyness’ sake. Even further, when we over commit, we risk falling short on those commitments. 

If you’re like me and you thrive with a long to-do list in hand, we must consider ways to balance this work style and avoid creating a packed schedule with the sole purpose of being busy. And if you’re not like me, then here are a few suggested habits to help you manage the stress of those inevitable, unavoidable, not-even-a-minute-to-breathe sort of days.

Here are a few ways, regardless of your work style, to mitigate the tendency towards, or stress of, a very busy schedule, courtesy of YNPN: 

1. Set your priorities.

“Make strategic and thoughtful choices about what you want to get done and how to get there. Warning, you will have to say no to things, but this is good. Not everything can or should be a priority.”

2. Find something you love to do, and do it.

“We all have at least one activity that helps us deal with stress, an activity that leaves us feeling both at peace and energized. Make that activity sacred and do your best to make sure it’s one of the few things that you do multiple times a week.”

3. Schedule open thought time.

“This is time for your brain to recharge and wander. It allows new and creative ideas to float to the surface instead of being trapped by your to do list.”

You can read the full YNPN post here.

At the end of the day, resist the urge to over schedule yourself and prioritize self care to cope with any stress that may arise. You’re worth it, and success will follow.

Make your supporters a priority. Discover what matters most to them, and how you can motivate them to participate, fundraise, and advocate for your cause in our webinar "The Next Step in P2P Fundraising: Design for People." Download the recording below!

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