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A #GivingTuesday Strategy In 30 Words

The Plenty Team
October 2, 2015

It happened so fast – mere moments ago we were sipping cool beverages in short sleeves, listening to songs about the beach, and watching fireworks overhead. But a cool breeze blew in, college football kicked off, and pumpkin spice popped up on everything. The arrival of fall not only signifies sweater weather, but also crunch time for solidifying and executing end of year fundraising strategies, including #GivingTuesday. 

This international day of giving has become something of a media darling in the fundraising space. Its global reach, presence on social media, and sheer results – last year 30,000 nonprofits in 68 countries raised roughly $100 million on December 1 – have tech companies, nonprofit publications, and consultants atwitter (pun intended) with tips, tools, and tricks for success.

a-givingtuesday-strategy-in-30-words.jpgFor example, in the past week alone, @GivingTues had seven distinct webinars being advertised for campaign planning. Network for Good recently launched its “All TUEgether” campaign with a free toolkit including checklists, eGuides, and webinars. A simple Google search surfaces an overwhelming amount of guidance on topics ranging from low budget fundraising strategies, to creative campaign ideas, to securing board support for the day. In fact, providing strategic advice on #GivingTuesday has become its own distinct campaign among us consultants in the space.

The media hype in the social good space feels like a gift-giving frenzy in a large family: the stress of shopping, exchanging, and (inevitably) returning gifts overshadows the joy of the holiday occasion itself – spending time with loved ones. It’s difficult to know which article to read, which webinar to attend, and which toolkit to download amidst the information dump of strategic advice via email, social media, and subscription services. And while we acknowledge that #GivingTuesday is here to stay (and that you should be participating), precious time is spent just filtering through and digesting all of the resources available to you, rather than taking advantage of the day’s simple concept.

So, take off your brainstorming cap, press pause on your printer, and unplug from your GoTo Meeting. Come up from the weeds and consider #GivingTuesday for what it is – a global day of generosity, made possible by individual people who care about your cause and others.

Your organization isn’t competing with other organizations for a market share of goodwill – you are simply mobilizing those who care about your mission through a giving day that’s been created for you. Put in those terms, it probably sounds simple – and it should; your campaign plan doesn’t need a brainstorming matrix or a high dollar budget to succeed. 

Here’s our two cents on #GivingTuesday - everything you need to know in 30 words: 

Show your constituents why you must exist. Ask them to help you create change. Show how their dollars bring that change to life. Say thank you. Say thank you again.

Thank you for being in the social good space, for exuding generosity and philanthropy every day, and for working 365 days a year to create change in the world. Don’t worry about the details come this December 1st. Let your mission, impact, and gratitude shine through all you do in advance of, on, and after #GivingTuesday, and your constituents will respond in kind. 

(Photo courtesy of (National Geographic)

Great, you have your strategy for December 1st covered, but what about the other 364 days in the year? We can hep with that too! Download our free e-book "The Seven Success Factors" for an in-depth guide to the seven areas driving your fundraising program performance. 

Download The Seven Success Factors E-Book

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