Community Builds Immunity

1 min read
March 23, 2020

We are a communal species. We are designed to connect, create, cohabitate, and  collaborate. It's in our blood and it's in our DNA. 

Yet, we're living through a period in history when we are being asked to stay apart and keep our physical distance. For some of us that means more alone time. For others that means less alone time than ever as we hunker down in our homes with spouses, children, and parents.

Sheltering in place is something we can all do to help protect our loved ones, safeguard our communities, help our neighbors, support our healthcare workers, and slow the spread. And yet, our need for each other is more important than ever.

When we commune – when we share what we care about, we literally boost our immune system. We create more health, resilience, and vitality, for ourselves and each other. Community builds immunity.

How can we continue to build community in a time of physical distancing? We explore this conundrum in our latest video, and outline three steps for building community:

  1. Bringing what we care about to the table and sharing it with intention.
  2. Inviting others who care about the same thing to choose in.
  3. Sharing authentically and transparently. 
If community builds immunity, we encourage you to connect with one that resonates with what you care about. 
We'd love to hear how you are connecting in community. What tools are you using? Where are you finding connection? 
Please share with us over on our new community, Plenty of Coronacare on Facebook. There are over two thousand hope helpers looking to support, inspire, and serve one another during this time of unprecedented change. 

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