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Plenty of Coronacare: March 17, 2020

Jennifer Mulholland & Jeff Shuck
March 17, 2020
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Just like how you thought you'd spend it, right?
Well ... not quite.
Today we found ourselves reflecting back on one of the metaphors from Lantern, our leadership retreat. Imagine walking a path at night holding a lantern above your head. What does it illuminate? It lights up a circle right around you. It reminds us to be present with what is right here, right now.  We only can see what is right in front of us. 
Also, we found ourselves continuing to build out resources for our clients and community.

As a leader, you don't have to figure it all out. Trust that you can navigate the unknown, step by step, moment by moment. 

We've got this. 

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