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Unlocking Conscious Leadership: A Journey of Leading with Light with Conscious Action Podcast

Jennifer Mulholland & Jeff Shuck
May 30, 2024

Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection, as if time paused just for the two of you to explore a juicy conversation? That's exactly how we felt chatting with Brian Berneman from New Zealand on the Conscious Action Podcast. Our discussion left us inspired and craving more, and we hope it sparks the same excitement in you!

In this episode, we dive into some pivotal themes from our new book, Leading with Light. Here's a sneak peek at what we covered:

  • The principles of conscious leadership: Discover how to lead yourself and others with more awareness, alignment, and intention.
  • The power of presence: Learn how being fully present can transform your interactions and make you a more effective decision-maker.
  • The practice of intention: Understand how empowered you are to set the tone and experience of your interactions.
  • Investing in the highest possibility: Explore the impact of striving for the best in ourselves, our leadership, and the collective whole.

Ready to be inspired? Tune in below or find us on your favorite podcast platform. 🎧

Check out the full podcast feature and The Conscious Action Podcast's other amazing podcast episodes here.  


Buy the Book

Do you feel like you're meant for more? Leading with Light will help you become more aware of what works for you, more aligned with your soul’s deepest calling, and more intentional in your choices.
Buy it, read it, and take the next step into living your most fulfilling life. 
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