We finished out our year last year nestled in the cozy woods of Wisconsin as we led a two-day
conscious culture workshop for the 24-person executive team of a large regional health provider called
Family Health La Clinica.
While we love hosting clients at HeartSpace, our retreat center in Park City, sometimes calendars, budgets, and logistics necessitate something different. We've been struck by the number of amazing and contemplative spaces there are across the country. The venue for this particular retreat,
Sentry World in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, was dreamy – festive, gorgeous, and impeccable. It was the perfect backdrop for the leaders to reflect, connect, and explore how to grow themselves and the organization. It’s felt like HeartSpace in the Midwest with Christmas trees, couches, fireplaces, and nooks for important conversations.
It's tempting to think that as leaders, our role is to install and instill productive, fulfilling cultures in our teams. But our experience is that it works the opposite way – building organizational culture emerges from the connections between our team members. When we slow down to cultivate those conversations, listen deeply to the wisdom in the room, and create the space needed to connect as people, something more authentic emerges. When everyone has the chance to express what is individually important, it's amazing how much alignment results.
Our deep knowing is:
🔆 Leaders who take the time to slow down, speed up.
🔆 Leaders who are honest and vulnerable, model the way.
🔆 Leaders who listen, connect the dots.
🔆 Leaders who love, heal.
🔆 Leaders who act, forge a new way.
If you and your team are ready to set your strategy from the inside out, we would be delighted to help! 2023 is well underway. How are you answering the call?
To start, try our
Five Keys Conscious Culture Assessment. It's an incredible way to become more aware of the culture you have, the culture you want, and the difference between the two. Best of all, it's free!
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