What Works For Me? What Works For You? Relationship with Body

8 min read
July 19, 2022

I have a body but I am not my body. I have a mind but I am not my mind. I have thoughts but those thoughts are not me. I choose which thoughts I want to make manifest in the world.

This realization came to me when I left my body in 1997. At age twenty five, I had a life-changing experience (similar to a near-death experience) that transformed the way I look at and experience the world. I will write and share about that at another time but suffice it to say, the experience transformed the way I view my body, mind, and spirit.

Whether you've had a profound, life-altering experience or not,  you already know what works for you. You've experienced, experimented, and explored growing up, all the while discovering what works for you as much as what doesn't. Living life brings us the self-realization we seek.

If we are not careful though, we can fall into the trap of buying what society is selling – that we need to be changed, fixed, and improved. The idea that our body needs a certain product to stay young, or a new diet to stay healthy, or a new job to fill the void that we fill inside at times.  The cycle perpetuates itself and society benefits from promoting the idea that others know what's best for ourselves.  Businesses and brands literally benefit from us buying into this paradigm.

However, there is nothing more powerful and effective than your innate wisdom – your inner knowing of what works for you. No cosmetic line, brand of clothes, fitness app, or eating regime can compete with that.

In this three-part blog series, I share some self-discovered nuggets of wisdom gained after decades of seeking, searching, and training with different lifestyle choices, eating regimes, diets, modalities and healing therapies. This is what my wisdom wants me to remember as I seek to be in right relationship with my body, mind and spirit. 

Regardless of where you are on your life journey, you know what works for you. The question is, are you listening? Are you following those quiet whispers that guide you to try new things? Are you doing the things that already work for you? Are you stopping the things that don't work anymore?

What works for you? Write it down and extract the wisdom below the surface. You have all the answers you're seeking. 

Here's my growing list to help you get started...

Relationship with Body: What Works For Me?

  • Drinking water with lemon upon rising.
  • Taking a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning and at night. This helps regulate my digestion and helps create alkalinity in my system, along with a ton of other benefits.
  • Enjoying a cup of organic coffee with homemade almond milk. I love the process of making my own almond milk – low glycemic index, full protein, and delish. It's really easy too! Simply soak 1-2 cups of organic almonds overnight in filtered water with two pinches of Himalayan salt. Drain the water out in the morning and blend with a dash of vanilla extract and maple syrup in a high-speed blender until warm and frothy. Pour the liquid into a nut bag into a large bowl to strain out the almond skin. Place in a glass container, cover the top and pour into your coffee and fridge. 
  • Eating according to my blood type, A+. That means more vegetables and lean protein with limited dairy, carbs and sugar. Dr. Dadamo, author of Eat Right For Your Blood Type, was a friend of my grandmother's and from an early age this eating method was introduced to me. The effects still remain effective and my body thrives when I eat according to my blood-type.
  • Eating according to my Ayurvedic Dosha. I was introduced to Ayurvedic medicine years ago and was lucky enough to find a local practitioner, Dr. Maggie Koblasova, who led me through a week of education, care and enjoyment of food that was prepared specifically for Pitta, my Ayurvedic dosha. It was one of the best weeks of self-care I have had and it led me to feeling really wonderful.
  • Choosing organic or grass-fed foods whenever I can.
  • Taking probiotics, digestive enzymes, Vitamin D, Fish Oil and a few other concoctions on a daily basis.
  • Taking Counter Attack. Whenever I feel the slightest cold coming on or notice my kiddos coming down with something, we all take Counter Attack. It is packed with vitamins and seems to kick-out most colds that attempt to come our way.
  • Using homeopathic remedies to start my day. I have about 30 different bottles from Woodland Essence that map to different chakras and intentions. They are liquid drops that have no taste, made out of the flower, tree, and plant essences.
  • Getting a vitamin IV. When I feel run down, depleted, spent from travel or needing to boost my immune system a dose of B-12, C, D, and other nutrients that takes about 30 minutes to go right into my blood stream. It was incredibly helpful post Covid and has been something I've done instead of getting a Flu shot every fall.
  • Getting a Vitamin B shot. Most often, I don’t realize I am as stressed as my body thinks it is. I absolutely love what I get to do professionally and personally. However, that doesn’t matter to my cortisol levels and adrenals. When I am feeling run down, I turn to a vitamin B shot to help me physically cope with the demands I am placing upon my body and mind to help equalize my energy and calm my system.
  • Using Bach Remedies. If I need assistance de-stressing or going to sleep, I spray a natural homeopathic remedy three times into my mouth. I’ve been doing this for decades and now pass on this method to my children, as my mom did with me.  I’ve found it really calming.
  • Acupuncture. There is really nothing like this ancient Chinese healing method that calms my adrenal system and restores my natural healing capabilities better. The baby needles that are placed on my Meridian's (energy pathways in the body, also named for our Strategic Planning Process), help to revitalize and restore stagnant energy or depletion. There are many benefits of acupuncture and I treasure any session I can schedule.
  • Epson Salt Bath. When I need help detoxing or decompressing after travel or facilitating large group retreats, I draw a hot bath and pour half to a whole bag of Epsom salts into it. Epsom Salts have high magnesium which is known to be a de-stressor and relaxant. My favorite brand is Dr. Teels Epsom Salts which can be found at Whole Foods and most grocery stores. 
  • Massage. After four knee surgeries from playing collegiate lacrosse and field hockey, skiing and other athletic adventures, my IT bands and neck get incredibly tight with stress. Deep tissue massage and reflexology sessions help me release the tension I unconsciously hold. Massage is by far my most favorite form of self-care.
  • Sleeping with a Castor Oil Pack. This ancient remedy was first discovered by Edgar Cayce, the sleeping psychic, who used this modality to cure people from all kinds of diseases and cancers. This method helps to detoxify the blood as it circulates throughout the body and I’ve found it really works. When I feel off, run-down or PMS’ing, I put a Castor Oil pack on my belly, with a heating pad over it. I pour cold-pressed castor oil onto a piece of wool flannel, place that on my abdomen and cover it with a plastic bag. Then, I wrap myself in an old towel and put a heating pad on top. It is incredible how soothing and relaxing this method is.
  • Dry Skin Brushing. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and is often our closest defense not only against environmental toxins but also a truth-teller as to what is going on inside of our body. Dry skin brushing is an Ayurvedic method that has become more common in every day home use. Research shows this daily habit has has a ton of health benefits ranging from helping your body to detox, to refreshing your skin to supporting the natural function of your digestion. I love this practice before I get in the shower or bath, when I remember! 
  • Tongue Scraping. Yes, it sounds funky and weird, but it works. Tongue scraping helps detoxify and cleanse our mouths and our bodies. It's also an ancient Ayurvedic practice. 
  • Enjoying a drink. A delicious glass of wine or cocktail in a beautiful setting, especially  Casamigos Tequila on the rocks with lime and salt or any concoction from one of our beloved clients (James B. Beam, Makers Mark, Hornitos, and Cruzan Rum) brings me a sense of joy.
  • Yoga. I love yoga. It helps me restore my body, quiet my mind and connect me to my spirit. There’s nothing like a downward dog or a headstand to help me feel my inner and outer strength. In Park City, we are blessed with many yoga studios. I am an early riser and enjoy going to the 6 am class at PC Yoga Collective with my favorite teacher, Anne Sargent to start my day when I am not on the road.
  • Running outside in nature on a trail or on the road with my Hokka’s on. They make it possible for me to run pain-free post four knee surgeries. I love listening to my music mixes that take me back to the 80's and 90's as I soak in the beauty all around. 
  • Skiing. Whether its alpine, nordic or telemarking, I love the feeling of flowing through snow and I am very fortunate to live within two miles of Park City Mountain Resort and five miles from Deer Valley, two world-class ski resorts. Our latest tradition is to head into the backcountry, "Earning our turns" as we call it. And there is no other activity that I love to do more with my girlfriends and family than ripping down the hill through the woods on my skis. 
  • BeauCo. We are really fortunate to have a fun fitness collective in Park City that not only kicks your ass, but makes you sing to the awesome tunes and smile with the community that shows up. What my friend Whit Kozlowski has created makes me feel happy inside and out. 
  • Sun. It runs in my family's lineage to worship the sun (and the moon). I get my dose of sunshine and natural form of Vitamin D living an active lifestyle in the mountain community of Park City, Utah and there is nothing better than soaking in the rays as it rises or sets, wherever I am. 
  • Swimming. Whether it's at our cabin in Rangeley Lake, Maine, or at some beautiful beach in Hawaii, clear water cleanses, nourishes and brings me back to flow. I pray to the water Goddess, Sedna to help me clear and cleanse as I open my eyes underwater. I feel lighter and more alive in every way. 
  • Beauty. Beauty is everywhere you look. When I remember this, I orient my attention and awareness to what's good in the world. Whether it be in nature or in a store, in a conversation with a friend, or alone with oneself, beauty exists. When I see beauty, I cultivate it within and that makes me a healthier and happier human being. 

Phew. That's a list! And, it's likely not even close to what works for me. You see, so much works, and it changes over time. We just need to orient our focus inside and out to that mindset.

What works for you? Your wisdom knows. Please share in the comments below and keep your eyes out for the second part of this series on relationship with mind. 

Editor's note: This blog was originally published in April 2018. It has been revised, updated, and expanded.  

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