Full Moon Reflections: Listening to Your Intuition and Embracing Change

4 min read
January 13, 2025

Wherever this finds you—Happy Full Moon in Cancer! 🌕♋️

Today, I feel called to share some reflections to help activate the potent energy of this beautiful lunar phase. But, in full transparency, this is my third attempt at getting these thoughts out!

My first try—a guided meditation video recorded before I left the house to head to the airport for a flight to Seattle—didn’t go as planned. The music I played in the background drowned out my voice entirely. Then came attempt two, in the bustling Salt Lake City International Airport, which turned into more of a comedy skit than a moment of wisdom. So, here I am, embracing the "third time's a charm" philosophy, hoping these words will resonate with you.

Today's Full Moon in Cancer, on January 13, 2025, marks the year's first full moon. Its energy paves the way for the future, urging us to let go of what no longer is needed, strengthen our intuitive connection, and align with our light as we work towards bringing our individual and collective dreams to life.

I write this with continued prayers for relief and recovery in Los Angeles, holding in my heart my step-brother who lost his home, my daughter's teammates who lost their home and school, and all who have been displaced or have watched their homes, businesses, sacred spaces, and community burn. If it resonates, you can send positive healing energy their way through this guided meditation I recently shared a few days ago.

Listening to Your Intuition: The Message From A Full Moon Dream

Yesterday, I woke up from a vivid dream with a clear, undeniable message. In my dream, I was walking with friends, and a woman ahead of me wearing bright silver jeans caught my attention. "I've been looking for those exact jeans!" I thought to myself. [And, in real life, I actually had been]. They were perfect, and as I tried to check the brand label, I couldn’t find it. Curious, I walked faster to investigate. Sure enough, in bold capital letters, right on her front left pant leg was the label that read: "INTUITION."

You can’t make this stuff up! My dream perfectly aligned with the energies of this Full Moon. I woke up chuckling at the message I received: Trust your knowing.

In a world overflowing with information—from breaking news to AI advancements and global movements—it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But, my dream reminded me that, no matter what life throws our way, we can trust our inner compass to cut through the noise and guide us along our way.

Your intuition is your personalized navigation system. It’s like a compass pointing to your true north, perfectly aligned with your soul’s purpose. The more you trust it, the more you illuminate your life.

Reflection: Notice What You Notice

When faced with information overload, pause and ask yourself:

  • Does this resonate with me?
  • Does this feel expansive or contracting?


Feeling the Feelings

The societal, cultural, and climate changes we’re experiencing on the planet today can stir up feelings of fear and unrest. It’s easy to get caught in the endless cycle of bad news. But instead of avoiding our feelings, we are being asked to feel them fully and allow them to move through us like energy in motion (emotion).

One of the most powerful ways to center yourself is through your breath. When the world feels chaotic, bring your awareness to your breathing. It connects you to the present moment and reminds you of the gift of life you've been given today.

“The more we activate compassion in our hearts, the more we can give to ourselves and others.”

Reflection Exercise

Take a moment to write down what you’re concerned about. Acknowledge it. Ask yourself, "Can I do anything about this?" Notice what you notice. Take action if you are called to and if not, let it go.


Cancer Full Moon Energies: Intuition, Emotions, and Home

This Full Moon in Cancer activates emotional sensitivity and intuition. As a water sign, Cancer invites us to embrace fluidity, flow, and movement through ups and downs of our feelings. This astrological sign encourages us to be more compassionate and gentle with ourselves as we allow emotions to move naturally through us.

Cancer is also a time that brings up focus on our home and security. We can see this more closely than ever with so many people's homes and lives impacted by fires, floods, and environmental disasters. This Full Moon invites us to consider:

  • What makes you feel safe and grounded?
  • How do you find a sense of home within yourself?
  • How can you create more security and comfort in your life right where you are?

Self-Care as a Leadership Practice

In times of uncertainty, knowing how to care for ourselves is essential. As I’ve shared before, Self-Care is not selfish. When you care for yourself, you fill your own cup with the love, compassion, and respect you need to have before you can generously give to others.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I need to nurture my body, mind, and soul?
  • How can I create a space of peace and calm within myself?
  • Do I need to change my daily routine to fill my own cup up first?

Self-Care Ideas

  • Create a morning routine that begins with yourself.
  • Create a daily habit that brings awareness to what you have to be grateful for (journaling, speaking, silently acknowledging, painting, drawing, dancing, etc.)
  • Get outside in nature, even if it's for five minutes.
  • Get in water - a bath, a lake, a hot shower, or something that helps you connect to the frequency of flow. 
  • Do something that helps you slow down and relax. 

Trust the Journey

Change is all around us, and more is on the horizon. While the future remains uncertain, we can find certainty within ourselves. By staying grounded in our bodies, practicing gratitude, and learning to explicitly trust our intuition, we can navigate the unknown with more trust and confidence that we are right where we are meant to be. 

Remember, your light is always on to guide your way.

Take a deep breath. We are in this together. 🫶 ✨

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