You Are Awareness

1 min read
May 19, 2020

You are awareness.
You are the one that sees.

You are the one behind your thoughts.
You are the one behind your thinking.

You are not the thought. 
You are not the label.
You are not the judgement.
You are not the good or bad.
You are not the right or wrong.
You are not the should or shouldn’t.
You are not the choice.

You are not the high or low.
You are not the up or down.
You are not the left or right.

You are not the sickness or the health.
You are not the weakness or the strength. 
You are not the contraction or the expansion.

You are wisdom.
You are truth.
You are light.
You are magic.
You are connection.
You are creation.
You are love.

You are the one that sees. 
You are awareness.

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